man laptop 720x380 - The Roulette Algorithm - How Chaos Theory Beat Gambling

The Roulette Algorithm – How Chaos Theory Beat Gambling

We know that some casino games are practically programmed so nobody can win, one in a million practically. In the case of roulette, it’s one of the most complicated, so you should know how to apply an intelligent strategy and pay close attention to any movement. In the case of virtual casinos, it’s also the same.

That’s why some people have published certain theories to apply during the game and win. Chaos was in charge of publishing an article where they show some tricks to win at all costs, and here we will tell you everything:

First Step

What must be done first is that the player is aware of the amount of time it takes for the ball to turn around until it stays in a fixed square. According to the researchers, it’s really a trick that gives good results because you can calculate it.

white coding - The Roulette Algorithm - How Chaos Theory Beat Gambling


Through equations made it was possible to verify that the roulette most of the time is exact, almost 60% of the time. That means the roulette will stop spinning most of the same amount of time, thus mentally calculating which box the ball might be in.


Another technique is also that you look for a wheel where the ball only falls on the same side, which is known as a “crooked table”. This prediction can bring you more benefits than you think.


The results will never be the same, which means that you cannot simply rely on this theory and think that you will make money immediately. The researchers obviously clear that the bettor should have a good amount of money to invest, and from there to adapt more to the techniques explained, to begin to perceive their profits.

The casinos are very clever so possibly some of these tips are not going to give you once, but the key is to be very aware of any movement that you see that’s repeated and you can get benefit to it, a very good way to get money to the house and then of course there’s always slots which is fun and super easy.

Posted in Game Development.